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The other day in my R.I.P.P.E.D. class, cute Kara, our instructor, remembered that she back when she first started teaching she would give one "health tip" during each class. So her tip for the day? "Drink half of your body weight in fluid ounces of water per day." Huh?

If you're a little confused, don't worry. This is where my "math head" kicks in: Let's assume that you weigh 140 lbs. Then you should be drinking 70 oz. of water per day.

This got me thinking, how much water do I drink a day? I know its a lot because I have to pee like every hour (TMI? Deal with it.). But how much? So I have been tracking my drinking habits for the last few days, and I typically drink anywhere from 100-120 oz. of water a day! That's a lot of water! I'm consuming about 75% of my body weight in fluid ounces per day. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, but I like it that way. I never feel hungry or dehydrated.

Is it possible to drink too much water? I looked it up, and pretty much you can't. Unless you are chugging gallons of water at a time--then you can die. Seriously. But as long as your water intake is spread throughout the day, no big deal. Cool fact: your kidneys can process up to 15 liters of fluid a day! Dare you to test that out...

In the meantime, eat Pumpkin-Coconut Chowder. Its delicious. And I might make it a few more times this weekend. Because it makes my tummy happy. And one of these days, I will get you a new recipe. Sorry I'm a slacker.

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