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Inspiring Friends

I went with two of my best friends to Zumba this week. I already go to R.I.P.P.E.D. twice a week and kickboxing, but I wanted to go with them because I LOVE that they are trying to workout more often. Erin is going to try and go to Zumba almost every day, and I think that is just fantastic.

You know, while we were in class, they really inspired me. Nowadays, working out and eating well comes pretty naturally to me. Yeah, sometimes I cheat (see the PB Cookie recipe!) but even then I try to make as many healthy substitutes as possible and watch my portions. So when my best friends are making the effort to work out more often, it reminds me of the beginning of my journey--when it was so difficult to force myself to workout, the frustrating weeks when my weight loss when south, and the adjustment to a healthier approach to cooking. Some days, it was difficult to even get out of bed because I dreaded my day so much (though that probably has a lot to do with hating my summer job...).

So thank you ladies, for being awesome and inspiring me to recommit. 
Love y'all, mean it!

(Just ignore the fact that I look like crap in this picture lol)

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